
How we operate

PSW TerminalStandard How we operate

How we operate

From the early days of COVID-19, PSW quickly adapted to protect our employees and adjust our terminal operations to meet new demands and challenges while maintaining our priorities of employee safety and customer service.

Though more than one year into the pandemic, our employees are resilient and dedicated as reflected in the commitment to the continued services to all our customers.

Safety is one of our Core Values, and in an effort to elevate further the safety of our employees, their families and the communities in which

we operate, we quickly implemented protocols for facial coverings, good hygiene, social distancing and preauthorization for close contact work, enhanced sanitation and cleaning procedures. In addition, our Emergency Preparedness team instituted an infectious disease and response procedure to address the handling of COVID-related health issues as they arise.

Underlying all our efforts is frequent communication with employees, customers, and suppliers to provide clarity and support where possible during the uncertainties of the pandemic. We are proud of what Celanese has delivered to date and are confident that we will continue to rise to the challenges ahead as we continue to pursue our vision to “improve the world and everyday life though our people, chemistry and innovation.”